The proud Wasteland

Once an idyllic land of fertile meadows. A nefarious wizard turned it into a barren desert. But this has not stopped the people of Gotmachd from remaining the proud nation of knights they once were.

If you have to describe the people of Gotmachd in one word, it is willpower. In spite of every danger.
In earlier times Gotmachd had a different name. The name changed the day their world turned upside down when a powerful magical storm swept over them and drew all life from the soil.
As a warning, the land took the name of the one who made it what it is today.
Rokken Gotmachd. A feared and cruel wizard who always wanted to claim the land of Gotmachd for himself. King Morcant and his Ironclad were able to push him back, until he resorted to a devastating spell.

In the end, they were able to capture Rokken, with the help of the Inquisitors of Sacire. They nullified his magic and locked him in a secret prison somewhere in Gotmachd. To this day, the acolytes of Rokken plague the land, searching for their master.
It was believed that the land might recover. But it did not, magical storms continued to rage, destroying all fertile soil. The people of Gotmachd accepted their new reality, adapted to it, and tried to make the best of it.

Daughter of the Sun – Queen Semona

Semona was the third daughter of the Tulane family. Thus, her time until marriage was still far. The hand of her eldest sister was promised to Morcant Enegram at that time. But he saw something in Semona that made him ask for the hand of the youngest daughter.
Thus Semona married into the Enegram family and Morcant became king.
Semona was popular among the people, young with soft features and a gentle nature. But the young woman became queen in a time that promised disaster, so it came that Morcant succumbed to strong exposure of the Arcane Blight on the hunt for Rokken Gotmachd, which was caused by longer stays in the magical storms. But still, Morcant went down in the history books as the king who captured Rokken Gotmachd.
The other families longed for the young queen’s decline, but to everyone’s surprise, she was there in the time of mourning, taking care of the people and rebuilding the cities. She was the one who initiated the search for solutions to protect the population from the magical storms.
Her face hidden under golden silk, she became the Daughter of the Sun. The proud spark of hope.

The Ironclad Caste
Steeled by many years of combat with the acolytes of Rokken, a particularly resilient group emerged among the warriors of Gotmachd.
Always at the side of their King Morcant, they were the downfall of Rokken.
When the king died, they were there to support the queen in her goals. Which increased their popularity among the people. Like the queen, they became a symbol of hope.

Among other things, they are also known for their pale armor. A result of magically permeated Gotmachd iron, which was consecrated and then changed its color. In addition, the surface then had greater resistance to magic.


The First Sunlight – Stralburg was the first town and capital city of Gotmachd. Small in the beginning, the city expanded on the cliffs above the Stral estuary, giving the city its iconic soaring silhouette.
Although the magical storms have turned the land into a desert, Stralburg is surrounded by greenery, which grew back when protective sigils began to be placed around the city.
With the closest position to the inland, Tromaur is called “The Gate to Gotmachd“. It is the beginning along the Stral down to the capital Stralburg. It is also their responsibility to safely transport goods, which are needed in the inland of Gotmachd, to the other cities. Thus, over time Tromaur turned into a prosperous trading town.
Positioned on a perfect current, Koincrest developed into a pure fishing town, with the task of supplying the remaining towns with fish.
Rach evolved from a simple guard post into a small town, further tasked with protecting the lands of the south from Rokken’s acolytes.
The remote and dangerous location led the Ironclad Caste to settle here to train their warriors in this environment.
Karmouth is a small town, located in the north of Gotmachd. Its position in the Twilight Curse caused the town to evolve from a mining town into a fortified stronghold with the help of the demons from the nearby demonic city Mauronicum.
Shirad lies on the border of the Salt Desert, which is dotted with unnatural magical springs. Overrun by Rokken’s acolytes and chosen as their main fortress, it remains in their hands to this day. New acolytes emerge daily in search of their master, led by she who is called Lacrimosa.

Love the lore and how well thought out the realm is, looking forward to seeing more.