Only the worthy can find and enter Avalon, so the legends say.
Uther Pendragon

Legends of a magical place sent young Uther Pendragon in search of a secret island. Known as Avalon, a place full of wonder and magic. Home of the mysterious Courts of Summer and Winter. The young king was successful, he found the legendary Avalon. It was seen as a great sign. The Pendragon family was revered by royalty and common folk alike.
The people followed the young king to the new world. They began to conquer Avalon piece by piece and Avalon changed according to their beliefs.

Camelot’s Dawn describes how Uther Pendragon conquers the island from magical beasts and pushes back the Fae Folk. Where Pendragon is, Camelot will always be. Camelot is built high up in the north, in the land that becomes known as Altdon, and it is declared the capital of Avalon. From there, the royal families continue their campaign to conquer the rest of the island.
The families fight for supremacy, competing for the thrones of the different lands. Avalon is shaped by their beliefs and attitudes.
In this timeline, Uther falls in love with the beautiful Lady Igraine, who becomes his wife. Lady Igraine brought her daughter Morgana from her first marriage into the Pendragon family. Shortly after she gives birth to the most famous son known on Avalon. At the end of Camelots Dawn, Arthur Pendragon will be born.

Camelot’s Ascension tells about the time of Arthur‘s early adventures together with Merlin and the other knights, right up until he becomes King. How they build a strong friendship with each other with each new danger they face.
Avalon, as beautiful as it is, holds many dangers. Dangers of a magical nature never before known. Which encouraged Uther to raise his son and his daughter in a Christian way. To protect his people and to trust in the power of God. To remain sceptical of magic, as promising as magic may seem, it can also destroy and cause immense suffering.
The constant struggle against magic made Uther dour and hateful, perhaps even regretting having found Avalon in the first place. This scepticism left the young knight confused about magic, and he struggled to accept the magical talents of his friend Merlin. Even though Merlin had helped him out of danger more times than he could count.
Drawn to the witches of Dagryre, Morgana also comes to terms with her magical potential, having suppressed it for so long after the death of Uther. With that began a period of uncertainty and chaos. Again the families began to fight among themselves, and the people demanded a new king. But they did not want to choose just any king, they wanted the True King.
To find the True King, Merlin made a suggestion. He went to the Seelie to meet the Lady of the Lake, who understood the soul of Avalon itself. With her guidance, Merlin was able to create a sword from all aspects of Avalon.
Excalibur was born in the stone, and only the one who could truly protect Avalon would be able to draw it from the stone and wield it. Knights and nobles went in search of Excalibur, believing they would return as the True King.
For many years, Excalibur revealed itself to no one, only plunging Avalon into greater chaos. As the son of Uther, Arthur felt it was his duty to protect the innocent. The chaotic period favored the development of Morgana into a hateful witch, who did everything to make the life of her half brother Arthur as difficult as possible.
All these efforts culminated in a battle, the War of Ascension, in which all regions of Avalon were involved. Arthur did not understand why they all lashed out with such force. The night before the battle, he went into the forest to calm his senses, but also because he felt something was calling to him. Excalibur revealed itself and he pulled it from the stone with ease. With Excalibur in his hand, the families bowed to Arthur and recognized him as the True King.
As his first official act, he rallied the Round Table around him. Knights of different faiths to be able to protect Avalon from all evil to the greatest extent possible.

Many years pass, Arthur finds his love Lady Guinevere, who becomes queen. With the disappearance of Merlin, Arthur goes in search of his friend. During this search, Arthur finds out that Merlin has been experimenting with unknown magic for many years. He found drawings and runes with horned beings attacking other shining beings with majestic wings. The search further led him to a weak portal, through which he then passed to find himself in the Plains of the Abyss. Behind him the portal closed. Here he also met the horned beings from Merlin’s drawings, who call themselves the Abyssal.
They are quick to respect Arthur’s combat skills, which left most of them at a distance from him. He manages to make some of them trust him and are willing to help in finding Merlin. They tell him of a person who appears to be human, like him. This gives Arthur hope that he may be able to find his friend. As the search continues, Arthur befriends the Abyssal Lady Eismet, for whom he later develops a strong love as too much time passes and he enjoys her support.
Too late, Merlin finds Arthur and pulls him from Eismet’s arms back to Avalon. Too late he finds out what the two had done. This heralds the Camelot’s Twilight. Later, Merlin explains to him that the time that felt like months in the Abyss was only a few minutes in Avalon’s time. So their absence is hardly noticeable.
Merlin cannot prevent the birth of a special boy, later known as Mordred, which will shatter the fragile laws of the Abyss and the Holy Heavens. As a result, at the moment of the birth of the boy, the Abyssal and the Seraphim descend upon Avalon as in an apocalypse to wipe out the misdeed.
No one could have guessed how the magic of Avalon affected the Abyssals and the Seraphim. But now it was too late, the boy was born and he and his mother were banished to Avalon, now the boy could do nothing but accept his fate waiting for him.

Avalon is divided into seven regions, each unique and different from the others. All seven host a king or queen who rules the land according to their own rules, but with King Arthur in Altdon at the helm.

When two different religions clash, power struggles are the order of the day. Despite their best efforts, the followers of the Faith have been unable to eradicate the Old Faith from Avalon. Now both religions exist, side by side, still fighting over who is the stronger power on Avalon. This conflict will continue until the end of time.
Followers of Christianity pride themselves on their connection with the Lord, that he floods them with his power to destroy evil influences. They say that as long as you carry the Lord in your heart, you are never alone.
Old Faith 
The Old Faith was established in Avalon long before the arrival of Man. Some of the newcomers recognized these old roots and continued the traditions. Always careful to maintain a balance between Fury and Serenity.

Faith is practiced through two approaches. The Prayer and the Choir. The main practitioners are mostly knights and sages through Prayer and the Inquisition through a carefully developed Choir.

Arcane Arts differ in their ability to hit directly with Arcane Destruction, and to cast Hexes for effects over time.

Andegan, the practice of Land Magic always requires some kind of tribute. The most common are the Blood Tribute, to summon the Fury of the Land, and the Mind Tribute, to harness the Serenity of the Land.

Little is known of the magic of the Tua Theran, or of the Tua Theran themselves. However, it is believed that their demigod nature allowed them to shape Avalon itself and thus control each element.